
Officer - Anna Milazzo

I lost my glasses a few months ago. I had just gone to the eye doctor, so I was bound and determined to find them.  I never did, so I bit the bullet and picked out a new pair. When they finally came in, I put them on and realized how much sharper everything was. Without my glasses, I have to stare at things endlessly before they come into focus. 


Focus. With the craziness of this last year — Covid-19, transitioning from high school to college, moving from the smallest town to urban living — I lost focus. My world was shaken up. My vision was blurry. Why was I doing this again? What is my purpose? I was focusing on all the things I couldn’t control and my forever-long to-do lists. I was spiraling about the smallest details. Not taking time to breathe and enjoy the moments.


Last week, I started to see through a different lens. It was National FFA Convention week, so I spent four days straight with my state officer team doing what I love. I was reminded of the joy surrounding me, and how much I want to surround others with that same joy. I need to focus on things I can control, and on all of the amazing things happening around me. 


Sometimes we need a reset, a wake up call. A reminder of why we care. A shift in focus. There will always be something negative, but there will also always be something to be grateful for. So, don’t be stubborn. Get your new glasses, and be willing to see through a new lens. Choose to focus on the good.

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